96 research outputs found

    Change management in technology projects: Using a comprehensive model of change management

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    Los proyectos tecnológicos, incluyendo la introducción de sistemas como los de tipo CRM o ERP, tienen un impacto en las emociones, percepciones y resultados de las personas, así como en la cultura organizacional de una empresa. También tienden a generar una serie de problemáticas de gestión que son rara vez abordadas, y que pueden empujarlos al fracaso. Los gestores de tecnología deben aprender a gestionar los cambios asociados con la introducción de nuevas tecnologías e innovaciones tecnológicas. La gestión del cambio, una disciplina relativamente nueva, ofrece nuevas perspectivas para enfrentar los costos y riesgos asociados con los procesos de cambio. Analiza aspectos críticos de la gestión como el rol del liderazgo, la coordinación, el diseño de procesos y las estrategias de introducción. Se da un especial énfasis en habilidades blandas como la gestión de emociones, la comunicación de objetivos y logros y el manejo de un aspecto crítico como son las estructuras de poder y su evolución durante los procesos de cambioTechnology projects, including the introduction of new systems such as CRMs and ERPs, have an impact on people`s emotions, perceptions and performance, as well as on organizational and company culture. They also tend to raise a series of management issues that are seldom addressed, causing many technology projects to fail. Technology managers must learn how to manage those changes associated with the introduction of new systems and technical innovations. Change management, a relatively new discipline, offers new perspectives to address the costs and risks associated with change processes. It analyzes critical management issues such as the role of leadership, coordination, process design, and implementation strategies. Special emphasis is given to soft skills such as managing emotions, communicating project goals and achievements, and handling the critical issue of power structures and their evolution during change processe

    Recursos y Gastos en Córdoba: Análisis Interjurisdiccional

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    Learning Experience of Change management in Engineering Education

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    Los ingenieros en informática y computación en su vida profesional tienen que realizar múltiples proyectos de cambio asociados a tecnología, sin embargo, en general no han sido formados para ello y cuando lo han sido usualmente es de una forma teórica o muy centrada en el conocimiento intelectual. Este artículo muestra la experiencia de diseño y realización de un curso de posgrado de gestión del cambio para ingenieros que trabajan en tecnología, computación e informática. Este integra dos modelos. El primero un modelo sistémico de gestión del cambio. El segundo un modelo de formación mediante metodologías experienciales que sitúan al estudiante como protagonista de su proceso de aprendizaje. Esta unión ha generado un curso muy bien evaluado por sus estudiantes y que ha generado resultados concretos en decenas de proyectos de cambio en organizaciones. La gestión del cambio, es una disciplina orientada al liderazgo y la gestión de los procesos de cambio, aumentando su probabilidad de éxito y disminuyendo los costos y los riesgos asociados. Analiza los problemas de gestión críticos, tales como el papel de la coordinación, diseño de procesos y estrategias de implementación. Se presta especial atención a las habilidades blandas, tales como la gestión de las emociones, la comunicación de los objetivos y logros del proyecto y la gestión del poder. Los ingenieros de hoy necesitan habilidades y conocimientos para gestionar y movilizar a los procesos de cambio. Esta disciplina es central para la gestión de proyectos en tecnología, computación e informática.In their professional endeavors, computer Engineers must participate in many projects associated with technological change, even though they have not in general been trained to do so. Their training is theoretical, as well as theoretically and intellectual focused. But today engineers need and new set of skills and knowledge to manage and mobilize change processes. This article shows the experience of designing and conducting a postgraduate course on change management for engineers working in technology, computing and information technology. It integrates two models. The first is a systemic change management model. The second, a training model using experiential methodologies that place students as key players in their learning process. This mix has been the basis of a series of courses, which students positively appreciate, as well as in a series of change projects in organizations with positive and measurable results. Change management is a discipline that focuses in the leadership and management of change processes, increasing their chances of success and reducing costs and risks. It analyzes critical issues such as the role of coordination, process design and implementation strategies management. Particular attention is given to soft skills such emotion management, power management, and communication of project goals and achievements. Change management has thus become a central discipline to project management technology, computing and information technology

    Abundance and Diversity of Earthworms in Managed and Non- Managed Fallow Lands of Calakmul Reserve of Campeche, Mexico

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    In Mexico, the best preserved tropical rain forest is found in Calakmul Reserve, where fallow land management has been established. Fallow lands are developed as a consequence of a successional vegetation process after clearing the primary vegetation and milpa production. Forty-nine sites were studied, where 17 were managed fallow lands, 24 non-managed fallow lands, and 8 tropical rain forests. Earthworms were collected at the end of the raining season, and four monoliths of 25 × 25 × 30 cm were developed per site according to the TSBF method. We observed how Zapatadrilus siboney, a native species was dominant in managed and non-managed fallow lands. Earthworm’s total biomass and density were not significantly different between the managed and non-managed fallow lands. Earthworm’s species richness was significantly low in non-managed fallow lands. We observed a strong correlation between earthworm density and richness with the age of the fallow lands (r2: 0.9 and 0.7; p < 0.05, respectively). The management type of the fallow land seems to affect earthworm biomasses (r2: 0.56; p < 0.05)

    Estructura y composición de la vegetación leñosa de selvas en diferentes estadios sucesionales en el Ejido El Carmen II, Calakmul, México

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    Se analizó la diversidad florística de la selva mediana subperennifolia del ejido El Carmen II, Calakmul, Campeche, en diferentes estadios sucesionales en un área de 2700 m2. En nueve parcelas de 300 m2 se representó vegetación secundaria (acahual) con siete años de abandono, 15 años de abandono y selvas maduras, en las cuales se identifi caron y midieron todos los individuos leñosos con un DAP = 1 cm. Se encontraron 996 individuos de 78 especies distribuidas en 29 familias, las familias con mayor riqueza de especies fueron Fabaceae, Rubiaceae y Sapindaceae. Las especies con mayor abundancia en el área de estudio fueron Nectandra salicifolia, Pouteria reticulata, Croton icche y Bursera simaruba, esta última especie fue la única que se presentó en todas las parcelas de estudio. Las especies con mayor valor de importancia relativo (VIR) en los acahuales con siete años de abandono fueron Lysiloma latisiliquum, Bursera simaruba y Guettarda combsii; en los acahuales con 15 años de abandono las especies con mayor VIR fueron Nectandra salicifolia, Piscidia piscipula y Dendropanax arboreus; mientras en las parcelas de selva madura fueron Brosimum alicastrum, Manilkara zapota y Pouteria reticulata. Además se presentaron 15 especies sólo en parcelas de acahuales con siete años de abandono, cinco especies únicas en las parcelas de acahuales de 15 años y 18 especies únicas en las parcelas de selvas maduras. Concluimos que analizar la estructura y composición florística en vegetación en distintas fases sucesionales permite documentar mejor la diversidad florística de áreas que han sido altamente impactadas por distintos disturbio

    Software Project Scheduling using the Hyper-Cube Ant Colony Optimization algorithm

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    U radu se daje prijedlog dizajna paradigme algoritma za optimizaciju kolonije mrava primjenom Hyper-Cube sustava za rješenje problema programiranja računarskog projekta (Software Project Scheduling Problem). Taj se NP-hard problem sastoji od davanja zaduženja zaposlenicima u svrhu smanjenja trajanja projekta i njegovih ukupnih troškova. To zaduženje mora zadovoljiti ograničenja problema i pitanje prvenstva među zadacima. Pristup prikazan ovdje koristi Hyper-Cube sustav za uspostavljanje eksplicitno multidimenzionalnog prostora za kontrolu ponašanja mravi. Time nam se omogućava autonomno vođenje istraživanja u cilju pronalaženja ohrabrujućih rješenja.This paper introduces a proposal of design of Ant Colony Optimization algorithm paradigm using Hyper-Cube framework to solve the Software Project Scheduling Problem. This NP-hard problem consists in assigning tasks to employees in order to minimize the project duration and its overall cost. This assignment must satisfy the problem constraints and precedence between tasks. The approach presented here employs the Hyper-Cube framework in order to establish an explicitly multidimensional space to control the ant behaviour. This allows us to autonomously handle the exploration of the search space with the aim of reaching encouraging solutions

    Evaluation of PORT/PSI and SOFA scores in predicting in-hospital mortality of patients with COVID-19

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    Introduction: There is limited information analyzing the utility of different prognostic scores in predicting in-hospital mortality among patients with COVID-19. This study aimed to evaluate the performance of PORT/PSI and SOFA scores in predicting the in-hospital mortality of patients with COVID-19. Material and methods: This was an observational, analytical, and retrospective study that included consecutive patients hospitalized for COVID-19 from April 1, 2020, to May 31, 2020. The study population was characterized, and ROC analysis was performed and used to calculate the area under the curve of PORT/PSI and SOFA scores as well as the sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values. Results: A total of 151 patients were included, with a median age of 52 years (IQR 45-64); 69.5% were men, with a median BMI of 29.3 kg/m2 (IQR 25.5-34.7). Of the total, 102 patients died during hospitalization (67.5%). The areas under the ROC curves for predicting in-hospital mortality were 0.74 (95% CI 0.67-0.81) for the SOFA score and 0.85 (95% CI 0.78-0.90) for the PORT/PSI score. When compared, the PORT/PSI score predicted mortality significantly better than the SOFA score (p: 0.01). Conclusions: The PORT/PSI score is a good tool to predict in-hospital mortality in patients with COVID-19

    Linking academic and labor training in finalist graduacte subjects: a strategy to improve students transversal competences

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    [EN] In the current presentation we propose the integration of training for employment in the last subjects of university degrees. Specifically, for this case, contents and activities of the elective subject ¿Organic Electronic and Processes in Electronic Design¿ are reformulated. This subject is included in the Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation at the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV). The aim of this proposal is to include training for employment (or external practices) and how to deal with the initial contacts with the destination work centre.Ibáñez Civera, FJ.; Laguarda-Miro, N.; Gil Sánchez, L.; Garcia-Breijo, E.; Olguín Pinatti, CA.; Monreal-Trigo, J.; Terrés-Haro, JM. (2019). Linking academic and labor training in finalist graduacte subjects: a strategy to improve students transversal competences. IATED. 3809-3812. https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2019.0966S3809381

    The effects of interset rest on adaptation to 7 weeks of explosive training in young soccer players

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    The aim of the study was to compare the effects of plyometric training using 30, 60, or 120 s of rest between sets on explosive adaptations in young soccer players. Four groups of athletes (age 10.4 ± 2.3 y; soccer experience 3.3 ± 1.5 y) were randomly formed: control (CG; n = 15), plyometric training with 30 s (G30; n = 13), 60 s (G60; n = 14), and 120 s (G120; n = 12) of rest between training sets. Before and after intervention players were measured in jump ability, 20-m sprint time, change of direction speed (CODS), and kicking performance. The training program was applied during 7 weeks, 2 sessions per week, for a total of 840 jumps. After intervention the G30, G60 and G120 groups showed a significant (p = 0.0001 – 0.04) and small to moderate effect size (ES) improvement in the countermovement jump (ES = 0.49; 0.58; 0.55), 20 cm drop jump reactive strength index (ES = 0.81; 0.89; 0.86), CODS (ES = -1.03; -0.87; -1.04), and kicking performance (ES = 0.39; 0.49; 0.43), with no differences between treatments. The study shows that 30, 60, and 120 s of rest between sets ensure similar significant and small to moderate ES improvement in jump, CODS, and kicking performance during high-intensity short-term explosive training in young male soccer players


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    ResumenLa tendencia en el uso de los recursos naturales para generar energía nos conduce a adoptar nuevos medios que nos den la funcionalidad requerida sustituyendo los generadores de energía convencionales con generadores sustentables que obtengan la energía de recursos como el aire o la luz solar.El objetivo que se trazó fue desarrollar una aplicación móvil de monitoreo, utilizando un módulo wifi que envíe datos al móvil a través de una conexión a internet para la automatización de un panel solar en el que se obtengan temperatura y humedad del medio que lo rodea, captación solar y detección de fallas.Los resultados parciales fueron: Construcción de un prototipo de panel solar con desplazamiento seguidor del sol. Diseño e implementación de hardware y software seguidor del sol. Diseño e implementación de aplicación móvil de control y monitoreo del módulo seguidor.Palabra(s) Clave(s): Panel, seguidor y monitoreo. AbstractThe trend in the use of natural resources to generate energy leads us to adopt new means that give us the functionality required by replacing conventional generators with sustainable generators that obtain energy from resources such as air or sunlight.The objective was to develop a mobile monitoring application using a wifi module that sends data to the mobile through an internet connection for the automation of a solar panel in which the temperature and humidity of the surrounding environment are obtained, solar pickup and fault detection.The partial results were: Construction of a prototype of solar panel with follower the sun. Design and implementation of sun tracking hardware and software. Design and implementation of mobile monitoring and monitoring application of the follower module.Keywords: Panel, follower and monitoring